We offer a wide variety of preschool programs from walking to 5 years. These classes focus on basic skill development through fun activities in a safe and fun environment. Rolling, jumping, balancing, swinging, and spacial awareness are just some of the skills students will be challenged to learn in these classes. Gymnastics for kids enhance physical development providing an outlet for kids to develop skills like strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and body control, all while laying a strong foundation for a healthy habit of physical fitness throughout a child's lifetime. One day per week is recommended to start however if your child has a true passion or lots of energy 2 or more classes per week are available and skills will progress at a faster pace.
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Parent & Tot
Parent & Tot 1: Ages 1-2 years
Parent & Tot 2: Ages 2-3 years
Parent & Tot 3: Ages 3
Duration: 45 mins
Parent participation required
The program is structured to encourage parent/child interaction in a gymnastics environment. The parent(s) aid their children by providing spotting assistance and helping to keep the child focused. Parent participation should decrease in Parent & Tot 3 as the children become more independent and get ready to move into our Tumble tots program.
Tumble Tots
Ages: 3-4
Pre-Requisites: Parent & Tot 3 or 4 years old
Duration: 55 mins
Independent participation
This class is for children who are ready to stay with a group and follow a teacher’s instructions. Children will begin to learn basic gymnastics skills and positions on all of the gymnastics equipment.
Ages: 4-5
Pre-Requisites: Tumble Tots or 5 years old
Duration: 55 mins
Independent participation
At this stage children will develop fundamental skills such as running, jumping, swinging, balance, and different types of locomotion, as well as some basic gymnastics-specific skills and positions.